Hans Zimmer

Probably he is one of the most famous and influential composers. He is the head of the film musical division at DreamWorks and he founded the company Remote Control Productions in California, made up of many composers who make part and work with him to write scores.

Hans Zimmer

Probabilmente è uno dei compositori di musica da film più celebri e influenti. È a capo del reparto musicale alla DreamWorks e ha fondato un'azienda in California, la Remote Control Productions, composta da numerosi compositori che collaborano con lui nella scrittura delle colonne sonore.

Michael Giacchino

Italian citizen from 2009, born in New Jersey and of Sicily and Abruzzo origins, this composer wrote many musical pieces, starting from the world of video games and then for television and films. He worked at Dreamworks and composed the scores of the famous video game Call of Duty. Then he wrote the soundtrack for the TV show Lost, which led him to collaborate with Pixar in The Incredibles movie.

Michael Giacchino

Cittadino italiano dal 2009, questo compositore nato nel New Jersey e di origini abruzzesi e siciliane ha composto diverse musiche, iniziando dal campo dei videogiochi per poi arrivare alla tv e al cinema. Ha collaborato con la Dreamworks e ha scritto le musiche per il famoso videogioco Call of Duty. In seguito ha composto per…Read more Michael Giacchino

James Horner

Today I would like to propose a United States composer who enriched with marvellous notes some of the most successful movies of all time, like Titanic and Avatar.

Italy, Italy and still Italy

Today I would like to suggest the names which made the Italian movie soundtrack famous all around the globe . I have already mentioned Morricone, but he is not the only one who succeeded in this attempt. There are other majestic melodies that framed beautiful movies, composed by Nicola Piovani, Nino Rota, Luis Bacalov, Carlo Rustichelli and Franco Micalizzi, just to mention a few of them.

James Horner

Oggi vorrei proporvi un autore di colonne sonore statunitense che ha arricchito con meravigliose note alcuni tra i film più di successo di sempre, come Titanic e Avatar. Ha vinto due Oscar nel 1998 per il sopracitato Titanic, nella categoria miglior colonna sonora e miglior canzone, e come sarebbe potuta andare diversamente, visto che è…Read more James Horner

Tv shows

Could we forget to mention a genre that has recently become more famous and viral than movies? How many of us fell in love with a tv show starting from the theme at the beginning of an episode? Both if they are well-known songs or if they are original tracks composed precisely for every season, music plays a key role even here. Maybe, it is even more relevant here than in movies, since it must have the ability to lure and to surprise every different time the audience, who is encouraged to continue to watch it episode after episode.

Incoming Oscars!

Two days and the year's most awaited night from film lovers across the entire globe will be here, and it is said it will be an extraordinary event, worthy of Hollywood and the reputation acquired during almost a century. The first Oscar ceremony took place in 1929, making this year's ceremony (2017) the number 89th! The…Read more Incoming Oscars!